Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Survive a Writers’ Conference in Style: Vol. 2

Applying your game face…

Here on the M Shelf, we’re counting down the days until we attend our favorite regional writers’ conference: Moonlight and Magnolias in Atlanta, GA.  Last week we discussed conference hair with McGovy.  Now that our hair is fluffed, curled and sprayed within an inch of its life, it’s time to put our faces on as my mother used to say.  Game faces?  Well, if you’re going to a writers’ conference to pitch your book and network with other writers—which you are—then yes!  And don’t we all want our game faces to be pretty?  Let’s chat about it.


I’m somewhat of an expert at mixing paint.  In college I took a class called Theory of Color where all we did was mix colors of paint on little squares of paper for an entire semester.  I thought it was pointless busy work at the time, however as a result I now understand how the color wheel works and what really happens when colors are mixed.  What does this have to do with putting on your game face at a conference?  Everything!  Applying makeup is the delicate art of mixing paint—only on your face.

1.)  If you mix red and green together, you get neutral. 
2.)  If you mix purple and yellow together, you get neutral.

All skin tones fall within the center of the color wheel.  What does this mean?  Colored concealer is a writer’s best friend at a conference.  Nobody wants to have a giant zit on display just beneath the dark circles hanging under their eyes, right?  Blemishes and splotchy red marks will instantly disappear with the use of a dot of green concealer.  This is because red and green make what? Neutral.  Dark circles under your eyes from partying too hard with your writer friends last night can be quickly hidden with a smear of yellow concealer.  Why is this?  Because purple and yellow mix together to make neutral.  This will give your skin a smoother, non-clumpy appearance once you achieve your final look.

What’s your look?

Your color scheme should blend well with your hair, eye color and clothing.  Because of all of these factors it’s necessary to keep in mind the proper season your coloring falls within.  See charts below.  If you use your coloring as a guide, your conference style will come together with ease.

Tips and Tricks:

Days at a conference are long days that last well into the evening.  So, your lipstick needs to last right alongside your hair and feet. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your lip color last without worry?  Try this: Put lip liner on all over your lips as if it’s lipstick.  Blot.  Apply lipstick over the top of this layer, using it like a base to hold the lipstick in place.  You’ll be amazed how long it lasts.

So, you have your writers’ conference game face on.  You’re ready to conquer a few workshops.  But, now it’s time for the keynote speech.  Some famous author delivers the most compelling and gut wrenching speech you’ve ever heard.  There isn’t a dry eye in the room, but now you’re puffy eyed for the rest of the conference.  Not if you use this tip! Bring 2 metal spoons with you from home and throw them in the itty bitty freezer in your hotel room.  When the keynote speech ends, slip away for 10 minutes.  Press the frozen spoons to your eyes and any puffiness will go away within a few minutes.  Reapply mascara and rejoin the conference looking like you never shed a tear.  (No, McGovy, I will not need this tip this year because I will not cry at all and you will owe me a drink!)

I hope with your game face on and your lipstick attached for life, you’ll have the confidence you need to make the most of your writers’ conference.  Want to discuss your conference look?  We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Supply List:

Green concealer
Yellow concealer
Lip liner and lipstick
Metal spoons
Water to stay hydrated amid all the drinks
A wash cloth, hand towel and pillow case from home to avoid any allergic reactions in the hotel


Heather McGovern said...

I'm not so sure about the you not crying at the keynote speech part, but the rest of this post is spot on. Your "paint on your face" tips from last year are ones I still use every day. Particularly the yellow for under the eyes. I'm cursed w/ darkness whether I sleep 10 hours or 5. Physician's Formula yellow highlighter is my magic wand!

I'm also a fan of white highlighting powder for inner eye and underneath, outer edge. Makes your eyes stand out.

Great post! Some people detest make-up. I not only love it, I love to watch other people and their make-up 'rituals'. Ever notice everyone has their order and way of applying. I know I may be weird, but I like to see how people do their make-up. I think it's fun & oddly relaxing. I know, I know. Odd. But I also find painting walls relaxing so there ya go!

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